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February 2023


Feb 1, 2023   Leslie Cheung 20th Memorial Concert 

Event:  Leslie Cheung 20th Memorial Concert
Date/Time:   April 1, 2023  (20:15)
Venue:   香港紅磡體育館
Organiser:   Florence Chan (天星娛樂有限公司)





Feb 6, 2023   繼續張國榮20週年紀念活動  Timeless Leslie 20th Anniversary  

Event:   繼續張國榮20週年紀念活動
Organiser:  Red Mission


"Timeless Leslie "是Red Mission繼續張國榮20週年紀念活動的主題。張國榮是不朽的;永恆的。就算物轉星移,時光洗禮,哥哥的風采永遠留低;哥哥的作品及魅力,不受時空影響,任何時候都令人想一聽再聽、一看再看。

Red Mission繼續張國榮20週年紀念活動將包括兩個大型活動:

1) 展覽


2) 戶外晚會
時間: ~下午6時至~8時(待定)


Red Mission秉承著繼續張國榮的宗旨,讓更多朋友認識和了解哥哥,所有活動均免費向公眾開放。

活動的製作及宣傳規模, 將完全取決於所籌得捐款數目而定,例如正在構思中的戶外晚會,考慮中的方案包括單面LED屏幕/多面LED屏幕,覆蓋的觀眾人數相差極大, 除面向長樓梯觀眾外甚至有機會面向星光大道, 涉及的成本也有所不同。

在此呼籲,如大家願意在經濟上支持 Red Mission 的活動,可透過以下途徑捐款(數目隨心):

- HSBC 戶口轉賬/ PayMe / PayPal (信用卡)付款
- 請點擊捐款方法及捐款登記表格 https://www.redmission.org.hk/donation2023_hk_overseas

- 正在安排支付網關, 將盡快於稍後公布內地捐款方式及捐款登記表格

Red Mission 將在戶外晚會活動尾聲在露天大屏幕滾動展示捐款超過100港幣/100人民幣的捐款者姓名/ID以表感謝。 (因時長所限,未能將所有捐款者名字不拘金額全部展示,盼請理解見諒。)

Red Mission 將於2月15日進行首階段的檢視, 視乎捐款進度初步落實活動規模及經費。


Red Mission

如欲獲取最新Red Mission 資訊,請即訂閱:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMissionPage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redmissionhk/
微博: https://m.weibo.cn/u/1728274177
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/redmissionhongkong

Preliminary Announcement of Timeless Leslie 20th Anniversary Commemorative Activities Organised by Red Mission
"Timeless Leslie" is the theme of Red Mission's 20th anniversary commemorative activities. Leslie Cheung is immortal and eternal. Even if things change and time baptizes, Gor Gor's glamour always exists; Gor Gor's works and charm are not affected by time and space, and people want to listen to it and watch it again and again at any time.

Timeless Leslie 20th anniversary activities will include two major events:

1) Exhibition
Dates: Late March to mid April
Location: Olympian City
We will hold a large-scale exhibition at a major shopping hall in Hong Kong. Through through the exhibits, we will lead the audience through the works of Gor Gor in different periods, making everyone feel like they are in it, and taking this opportunity to once again show Gor Gor's brilliant achievements to the public and the new generation.

2) Outdoor Night Event
Date: April 1 (Saturday)
Time: ~6pm to ~8pm (TBC)
Venue: Piazza, Hong Kong Cultural Center, Tsim Sha Tsui

let's commemorate Leslie together and enjoy his wonderful performances through the LED screen with the spectacular night view of Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour.

Red Mission upholds the purpose of extending the legacy of Leslie Cheung. To attract more people to know more about Leslie, once again, all activities will be free and open to the public.

The production and publicity scale of the event will depend entirely on the amount of donations raised. For example, the plans for the outdoor event under consideration include single-sided LED screen OR multi-sided LED screens. The number of audiences covered varies greatly, and there is an opportunity (if multi-sided screen plan was adopted) to display the screen images to the public along the Avenue of Stars, and the costs involved are also different.

Here is an appeal, if you are willing to support Red Mission activities financially, you can donate through the following channels (as much as you like):

Hong Kong/Overseas:
- HSBC account transfer / PayMe / PayPal (credit card) payment
- Please click on the donation method and donation registration form

- The payment gateway is being arranged, and the mainland donation method and donation registration form will be announced as soon as possible

At the end of the outdoor event, Red Mission will display the names of donors who have donated more than 100 HKD/100 RMB on the large outdoor screen to express our gratitude. (Due to time constraints, please understand that Red Mission cannot display the names of all the donors regardless of the amount)
Red Mission will conduct the first phase of review on February 15th, depending on the progress of donations, Red Mission will initially determine the scale and funding of the event.
Please help share and forward this announcement to other friends who love Gor Gor.
It is recommended that you arrange your trip as soon as possible, and look forward to meeting you in Hong Kong at that time.

Thank you for your support!
Red Mission

To receive latest news of Red Mission, please subscribe:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedMissionPage
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redmissionhk/
微博: https://m.weibo.cn/u/1728274177
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/redmissionhongkong




Feb 17, 2023   張國榮逝世20周年音樂會 (記者會 Press conference) 

Event:  Leslie Cheung 20th Memorial Concert (Press Conference)
Organiser:   Florence Chan (天星娛樂有限公司)
News link:   https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/entertainment/20230217/bkn-20230217174052400-0217_00862_001.html